joi, 29 iunie 2023

Inginer Textile Pielarie in Timisoara


Sp Label SRL angajeaza pentru pozitia Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Timisoara, judetul Timis
Adresa: Strada Str. Jiul 2, Loc. Timisoara, Jud. Timis
Locuri de munca disponibile: 1
Vechime: Fara Experienta
Studii: Superior

Str. Jiul nr. 2
300159 Timisoara, Romania
Fax +40256401182

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

luni, 26 iunie 2023


 Ocupatia: INGINER TEXTILE, PIELARIE (Cod COR: 214102)

CUI: 35664044
Adresa angajator
Judet: Prahova
Localitatea: PLOIEŞTI
Adresa locului de munca
Localitatea: PLOIEŞTI
Strada: Conului
Numarul: 3
Telefon: 0372447966
Nr. posturi vacante: 2
Termen limita: 2023-06-30
Experienta: Experiență Medie (3-5 ani)
Educatie: Universitar-INVATAMANT SUPERIOR
Timp de lucru: 8 (ore)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

miercuri, 21 iunie 2023

Customer Service Executive - German speaker

Candidatul Ideal
  • Min. 2 year college degree or 3 years experience in a position requiring direct contact with customers
  • Excellent mandatory German language (advanced/native)
  • Advanced English language - written & spoken
  • Knowledge of French culture/ French customers
  • Analytical thinking
  • Ability to partner with internal team members to understand customer problems and think of solutions to resolve
  • Knowledge of order processing and data base maintenance
  • Proven ability to handle difficult customer situations
  • Confident in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Knowledge of textile manufacturing processes
  • Experience using SAP (or similar system)
  • Proficient in spreadsheet analysis
Descrierea jobului
  • Receive and process customer orders promptly, accurately along with checking all details associated with the order and the system
  • Follow up with customers and communicate customers’ needs to Sales, Logistics, Production, Quality and Accounting
  • Monitor open orders and advise customer/sales of any problems or changes in order status. Work with internal departments to resolve and offer solutions to the issue
  • Work with all departments to establish and proper set up new accounts in the system
Sales/Marketing Support
  • Work with sales to monitor target accounts and review order details.
  • Assist sales in obtaining new accounts and maintaining existing accounts. This includes being proactive and calling customers daily.
  • Help in all stages of a customer complaint with the customer and internal department to resolve the issue. This includes the integrity of the ERP system as it relates to complaints and returns. Aid sales in keeping the customer informed at all times.
Customer Satisfaction
  • Deliver world class customer service to our external and internal customers
  • Receive and act with a high sense of urgency upon customer inquiries to service requests, product questions, complaints and resolving directly or through Sales.
  • Coordinate shipments and tracking with Logistics when requested.
Descrierea companiei

Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread company. Headquartered in the UK, we have a workforce in some 50 countries, across six continents around the world.

Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread company. Coats’ pioneering history and innovative culture ensure the Company leads the way around the world. We provide complementary and value-adding products, services and software solutions to the Apparel & Footwear (A&F) industries. We apply innovative techniques to develop high technology Performance Materials (PM) threads, yarns and fabrics in areas such as Transportation, Telecoms and Energy, and Personal Protection.

Our company purpose, 'Connecting talent, textiles and technology to make a better and more sustainable world', ensures that we support our customers, their industries, our shareholders, our people and the communities in which we operate.

We are achieving this by focusing on three key areas:

Talent – our people are our greatest asset and we continue to invest in their development to enhance their specialised skills and acquire new ones through our ever-growing digital learning platform and peer-to-peer sessions led by internal experts

Textiles – we develop innovative textile solutions to enhance people’s lives, touching everything from sewing thread to fibre optic cables

Technology – we embrace new, emerging and disruptive technologies to penetrate markets with new and improved textile applications and material solutions that are more sustainable and functional

Visit our website:

Publicat 26 Mai 2023, Reactualizat 16 Iun. 2023, Expiră 25 Iun. 2023

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Customer Service Representative for Hungary

Candidatul Ideal

  • Native in Hungarian language and good English language skills (written&spoken)
  • Strong SAP knowledge and open to new tools
  • Self-motivated, creative and dedicated
  • Ability to build and maintain strong relationships across the cluster at all levels and customers
  • A proactive and ‘can do’ problem solving approach
  • Capable of working in a competitive, demanding and time-critical environment
  • Proven ability to follow up thoroughly and in detail
  • Commercial sense and strong customer orientation
  • Understanding Coats operations and wider business
  • Knowledge and skills in online tools (CDMS/CCMS, NPI)
  • Experience in sales or customer service
  • Analytical skills
  • Knowledgeable in textiles
Job description:

  • Receive and process customer orders promptly, accurately along with checking all details associated with the order and the system
  • Follow up with customers and communicate customers’ needs to Sales, Logistics, Production, Quality and Accounting
  • Monitor open orders and advise customer/sales of any problems or changes in order status. Work with internal departments to resolve and offer solutions to the issue
  • Work with all departments to establish and proper set up new accounts in the system
Sales/Marketing Support
  • Work with sales to monitor target accounts and review order details.
  • Assist sales in obtaining new accounts and maintaining existing accounts. This includes being proactive and calling customers daily.
  • Help in all stages of a customer complaint with the customer and internal department to resolve the issue. This includes the integrity of the ERP system as it relates to complaints and returns. Aid sales in keeping the customer informed at all times.
Customer Satisfaction
  • Deliver world class customer service to our external and internal customers
  • Receive and act with a high sense of urgency upon customer inquiries to service requests, product questions, complaints and resolving directly or through Sales.
  • Coordinate shipments and tracking with Logistics when requested.
Descrierea companiei

Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread company. Headquartered in the UK, we have a workforce in some 50 countries, across six continents around the world.

Coats is the world’s leading industrial thread company. Coats’ pioneering history and innovative culture ensure the Company leads the way around the world. We provide complementary and value-adding products, services and software solutions to the Apparel & Footwear (A&F) industries. We apply innovative techniques to develop high technology Performance Materials (PM) threads, yarns and fabrics in areas such as Transportation, Telecoms and Energy, and Personal Protection.

Our company purpose, 'Connecting talent, textiles and technology to make a better and more sustainable world', ensures that we support our customers, their industries, our shareholders, our people and the communities in which we operate.

We are achieving this by focusing on three key areas:

Talent – our people are our greatest asset and we continue to invest in their development to enhance their specialised skills and acquire new ones through our ever-growing digital learning platform and peer-to-peer sessions led by internal experts

Textiles – we develop innovative textile solutions to enhance people’s lives, touching everything from sewing thread to fibre optic cables

Technology – we embrace new, emerging and disruptive technologies to penetrate markets with new and improved textile applications and material solutions that are more sustainable and functional

Visit our website:

Publicat 1 Iun. 2023, Reactualizat 15 Iun. 2023, Expiră 1 Iul. 2023

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

marți, 20 iunie 2023

Gradator - industria textila - Bucuresti


Producție de îmbrăcăminte

  • Analizeaza si digitizeaza tiparele primite de la constructorii de tipare;
  • Realizeaza gradarea tiparelor conform regulilor de gradare stabilite si gamei de masuri solicitata, aferenta fiecarui model;
  • Comunica orice inadvertenta constatata in timpul realizarii gradarii;
  • Intocmeste tabelul de dimensiuni, aferent fiecarui produs.
  • Experienta si cunostinte de tehnologie produse dama;
  • Cunostinte operare sistem CAD - constituie avantaj;
  • Cunostinte in construirea tiparelor (manual pe carton) - constituie avantaj;
  • Bun organizator al timpului de lucru;
  • Capacitate de lucru in echipa si initiativa.
Descrierea companiei: 

NISSA a luat nastere avand la baza 6 valori puternice, valori ce vor continua sa existe pe tot parcursul dezvoltarii brandului si anume: eleganta, feminitate, calitate, dedicare, pasiune si creativitate.
Colectiile NISSA reprezinta mai mult decat articole vestimentare atent realizate, ele prezinta povestile celor care au contribuit la realizarea lor, a celor care le promoveaza precum si a celor care le poarta. Tinutele se remarca prin tesaturi fine, croieli atent executate, detalii manuale laborios realizate si se adreseaza tuturor femeilor, indiferent de varsta si persoanlitate, promovand imaginea unei femei moderne, active, independente si sofisticate. NISSA se defineste prin feminitate si eleganta. NISSA incurajeaza creativitatea si inovatia, isi respecta clientii si angajatii.
Echipa NISSA este formata din persoane creative, proactive, dedicate muncii lor, pasionate de fashion, care isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru deciziile luate si care se implica in dezvoltarea brand-ului.

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

vineri, 16 iunie 2023

Inginer certificare confectii textile - Localitatea Ghergani oras Racari judetul Dambovita



Activitatea se va desfasura la sediul firmei in localitatea Ghergani, oras Racari, judetul Dambovita, intr-o fabrica noua, dotata cu echipamente de ultima generatie.

  • Absolvent de studii superioare cu specializare in domeniul materialelor textile (de preferat) sau in domeniul chimiei;
  • Constituie avantaj experienţa in domeniul analizelor de laborator, compozitii, metode de testare si determinari de materiale textile;
  • Bune abilitati de comunicare si adaptabilitate;
  • Proactivitate, orientare pe atingerea obiectivelor;
  • Limba engleza la nivel mediu;
  • Cunostinte operare PC;
  • Disponibilitate pentru deplasari la targuri de profil in strainatate, o data sau de doua ori pe an.
Descrierea jobului:
  • Efectuarea de studii de analiza comparativa a tesaturilor si interpretarea datelor tehnice;
  • Realizarea fisei tehnice a unui material sau produs, in functie de caracteristicile tehnice, fizico-chimice, mecanice, ergonomice;
  • Gestionarea relatiei cu laboratoarele de specialitate si institutele de cercetare;
  • Realizarea fiselor de instructiuni si de utilizare a produselor, declaratii de conformitate, certificate de calitate si garantie;
  • Realizarea etichetarii produselor in conformitate cu normele europene in vigoare;
  • Elaborarea propunerilor tehnice pentru produse in vederea ofertarii;
  • Dezvoltarea conceptelor de produse noi, realizarea standardului de firma al produsului;
  • Elaborarea cererilor de clarificare catre autoritatile contractante.
Noi va oferim:
  • Salariu competitiv;
  • Prime cu ocazia tuturor sarbatorilor;
  • Transport asigurat sau decontat;
  • Tichete de masa;
  • Veti lucra intr-o companie 100% romaneasca, in crestere, cu o pozitie stabila pe piata;
  • Posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala in cadrul companiei.
Descrierea companiei:

MATEI CONF GRUP este unul dintre principalii producatori de echipamente de lucru si protectie, cu o experienta de 19 ani pe piata de confectii textile din Romania. Aici punem pe primul loc responsabilitatea pe care o avem fata de angajati si responsabilitatea fata de calitatea impecabila a echipamentelor de lucru si protectie produse aici. Ca dovada, in ultimii ani, MATEI CONF GRUP s-a clasat pe Locul 2 in Topul National al Firmelor Private in domeniul producerii echipamentelor individuale de protectie a muncii, conform clasamentului intocmit de Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei.

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

marți, 13 iunie 2023

Inginer Textilist Specializarea Filatura - Spania


Societatea Egarfil SA din Spania angajeaza Inginer Textilist

Specializarea Filatura.

Egarfil Sa este o filatura de traditie in Spania, localizata in Terrassa ( zona Barcelona ) Catalunya.

Mai multe detalii aflati pe

Candidatul ideal :
  • Absolvent al facultatii de Textile Pielarie specializarea Filatura.
  • Experienta constituie un avantaj.
  • Engleza : nivel avansat.
  • Spaniola, Catalana - contituie un avantaj
  • Cunostinte flux tehnologic al procesului de productie dintr-o fabrica de filatura.
  • Meticulozitate, atentie, capacitate de organizare si gestionare a timpului de lucru de analiza si rezolvare a problemelor de productie.
  • Abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa.
Responsabilitati :
  • Planificare Productie
  • Rezolvare probleme de productie si continuitate
  • Abilitati de decizie si prioritizare in procesul de productie
  • Control tehnic de calitate etc
CV - urile si scrisorile de intentie se pot trimite la: persoana contact Leonte Claudiu tel: 0731016264 persoana contact Jordi Gabarro tel: +34679436052

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

luni, 12 iunie 2023

Alatura-te echipei LEAR Iasi

ANGAJAM acum! Alatura-te echipei LEAR Iasi: confectioneri textile; croitori; operatori calitate; operatori logistica; ingineri debutanti / tehnicieni (cu si fara experienta, asiguram scolarizare). 

  • transport GRATUIT in conditii optime; 
  • salariu bazat pe rezultate si implicare; 
  • program de lucru in 3 schimburi; 
  • bonusuri de eficienta, calitate si operatii AIRBAG; 
  • bonusuri de recomandare; 
  • tichete de masa; 
  • prime de vacanta, Paste si Craciun; 
  • sporuri de noapte; 
  • sporuri de ore suplimentare achitat 200%; 
  • instruire gratuita la locul de munca; 
  • conditii de lucru la cele mai inalte standarde; 
  • zone sociale amenajate special pentru relaxare si comunicare; 
  • asigurare medicala in sistem privat Arcadia; 
  • asistenta medicala in incinta fabricii 24h/24h; 
  • oportunitati de dezvoltare profesionala a unei cariere intr-o companie multinationala; 
  • echipamente modernizate si digitalizate in toate ariile fabricii; 
  • siguranta si mediu de lucru placut. 
Adresa noastra: Comuna Letcani Nr. 1113, Iasi
Tel: 0372 620 417 / 0372 620 419

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti