vineri, 27 noiembrie 2020

Technical Support Specialist - Gemini CAD Systems, Iasi

We are hiring a Technical Support Specialist to join our friendly team of tech enthusiasts assisting customers to get the best out of their Gemini CAD Systems products. Do you enjoy solving problems and helping others?

What you will do:
  • Serve as the first point of contact for Gemini CAD Systems applications users seeking technical assistance, taking ownership of the incidents reported by the Gemini CAD Systems users;
  • Performs remote troubleshooting using diagnostic technics and pertinent questions regarding the use of the Gemini CAD Systems applications and identifies the best-fitted solution or workaround;
  • Provides training and demos regarding the use of the Gemini CAD Systems applications;
  • Records the most significant events and troubleshoot solutions into documentations;
  • Learn what other departments do and work with them on collaborative projects to meet shared objectives (Sales, WebApps, Software Development, QA teams).
  • Contributing or even taking ownership of delivering successful projects related to Gemini CAD Systems applications.
Job requirements:
  • You enjoy working with customers - Excellent customer focus;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
  • Advanced abilities of English (B2) both verbal and written. Additional language skills are a plus.
  • Technical university, in special we target Faculty of Textile alumni or experience into the garment production area (e.g. Pattern Designer);
  • Previous experience in a customer support field would be an advantage.
  • Good knowledge of a CAD type of application;
  • Passionate about Apparel.
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-changing environment
We will offer you:
  • Challenging projects in an industry-leading company
  • Professional challenges in a friendly and informal environment
  • Flexible work hours and competitive benefits
  • Working location: Iași and work from home
  • Type of contract: Permanent & full time
  • If you are interested, please send your CV to and come and meet us.
Căutăm să găsim următoarea noastră persoană deschisă, profesionistă și prietenoasă, care să ofere clienților noștri o experiență uimitoare a clienților noștri.
Angajăm un specialist în asistență tehnică care să se alăture echipei noastre prietenoase de pasionați de tehnologie care asistă clienții pentru a obține ce e mai bun din produsele lor Gemeni CAD Systems. Îți place să rezolvi probleme și să îi ajuți pe ceilalți?

Ce vei face tu:
  • Servește ca prim punct de contact pentru utilizatorii aplicațiilor Gemeni CAD Systems care caută asistență tehnică, preluând proprietatea asupra incidentelor raportate de utilizatorii Gemeni CAD Systems;
  • Execută rezolvarea problemelor la distanță folosind tehnica de diagnostic și întrebările pertinente privind utilizarea aplicațiilor Gemeni CAD Systems și identifică cea mai bună soluție sau muncă;
  • Furnizează instruire și demo-uri cu privire la utilizarea aplicațiilor Gemeni CAD Systems;
  • Înregistrează cele mai importante evenimente și rezolvă soluțiile în documentații;
  • Află ce fac alte departamente și lucrează cu ele la proiecte colaborative pentru a îndeplini obiectivele comune (vânzări, WebApps, Software Development, echipe QA).
  • Contribuția sau chiar preluarea proprietății de a livra proiecte de succes legate de aplicațiile Gemeni CAD Systems.
Cerințe privind locurile de muncă:
  • Îți place să lucrezi cu clienții - Focalizare excelentă a clienților;
  • Abilități excelente de comunicare verbală și scrisă;
  • Abilități avansate ale limbii engleze (B2) atât verbale, cât și scrise. Abilitățile lingvistice suplimentare sunt un plus.
  • Universitate tehnică, în special vizăm Facultatea de absolvenți textili sau experiență în zona producției de haine (de exemplu, designer model);
  • Experiența anterioară într-un domeniu de asistență pentru clienți ar fi un avantaj.
  • Cunoștințe bune despre un tip de aplicație CAD;
  • Pasionat de îmbrăcăminte.
  • Capacitatea de a prospera într-un mediu care se schimbă rapid
Noi îți vom oferi:
  • Proiecte provocatoare într-o companie conducătoare de industrie
  • Provocări profesionale într-un mediu prietenos și informal
  • Program de lucru flexibil și beneficii competitive
  • Locație de lucru: Iași și muncă de acasă
  • Tip de contract: permanent și normă întreagă
Dacă sunteți interesați, trimiteți CV-ul la și veniți să ne cunoaștem.

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer Textile, Pielarie - Sighisoara

Gst Automotive Safety Ro SRL angajeaza pentru pozitia Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Sighisoara, 
Adresa: Strada Mihai Viteazu, nr. 92
Studii: Superior
Experienta necesara: Fara experienta (0-1 an)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer textilist - Gura Humorului

SC Novafil SA Gura Humorului angajează absolvenți ai Facultății de Textile (actual, Facultatea de Design Industrial si Managementul Afacerilor) pentru postul de inginer tehnolog cu posibilitatea dezvoltării carierei pana la posturi de conducere. Condițiile concrete se discuta la sediul societății. Relații la tel. 0747496019.

Novafil SA company operates on the Romanian market since 1991. The main activity of the company is Preparation and spinning of textile fibres, and the company operates mostly in Suceava county.

Bulevardul Bucovinei Nr. 89A
GURA HUMORULUI; Suceava; Postal Code: 005900

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

marți, 24 noiembrie 2020

Inginer Tehnolog in Industria Textila - Alexandria, Turnu Magurele

Super Eurotextila S.R.L.

Alexandria, Turnu Magurele

Candidatul ideal
  • Absolvent de studii superioare in industria textila
  • Experienta anterioara in domeniile : metodica, calcul timpi productie (SMV-uri) in productia de confectii textile
  • Experienta in realizarea de procese tehnologice si fise tehnice de produs
  • Abilități de coordonare și organizare a activității de producție
  • Abilitate de a lucra independent, de a avea inițiativă.
  • Buna relaționare, flexibilitate, orientare către rezultat
Descrierea jobului

  • Stabilirea timpilor de productie si a normelor de productie prin cronometrarea fazelor tehnologice
  • Identificarea tehnologiei potrivite pentru realizarea productiei
  • Executarea procesului tehnologic in vederea fabricatiei fiecarui produs
  • Realizarea unei baze de date cu fisele tehnologice ale fiecarui produs in parte
  • Optimizarea si fluentizarea metodelor de lucru
  • Calcularea necesarului de utilaje si de personal pentru realizarea la termen a planului de productie
  • Realizarea pretului ca manopera
  • Stabilirea consumului / necesarului
  • Cariera pe termen lung
  • Pachet salarial generos
  • Posibilitatea de a lucra intr-o atmosfera prietenoasa si cu o echipa bine formata.
  • Posibiliatatea de relocare
Descrierea companiei
  • Companie cu capital privat, cu activitate lunga in domeniul textilelor .
  • Un colectiv tanar cu dorinta de munca si afirmare

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

joi, 19 noiembrie 2020



Kollektionen, die anziehen, sind für uns jeden Tag Anspruch, Ansporn und Versprechen zugleich. Als erfolgreiches Familienunternehmen im Bereich Damen-Tagwäsche suchen wir im Zuge der Nachfolgeregelung für unsere 100%-ige Tochter SPEIDEL ROMANIA SRL mit Sitz in Focsani einen



Ihr Profil:
  • Techniker/Diplom-Ingenieur (m/w/d)Bekleidungstechnik oder ähnliche Ausbildung.
  • Mehrjährige Erfahrung in einer leitenden Funktion in der Bekleidungsindustrie. Ideal sind Erfahrungen aus einem Konfektionsbetrieb.
  • Persönlichkeit mit natürlicher Autorität und Führungsstärke, sozialer Kompetenz und menschlicher Überzeugungskraft.
  • Systematische, strategische Arbeitsweise, und unternehmerisches Denken.
  • Absolute Zuverlässigkeit und Integrität, Durchsetzungsvermögen und Erfolgs-orientierung.
  • Gute Deutsch- und Rumänisch-Kenntnisse.
Ihre Aufgaben:
  • Einführung und Überwachung von Arbeitsplatz- und Fertigungs- standards sowie den Einsatz pro- duktionsunterstützender IT-Systeme.
  • Kontinuierliche Steuerung der Werkskapazitäten und Auslastung der technischen Anlagen.
  • Verantwortlich für Sicherheit und Funktionsfähigkeit aller technischer Anlagen.
  • Führung und Motivation der ca. 230 Mitarbeiter mit Blick auf Effizienz und Qualität der Arbeit.
  • Reporting und Kommunikation mit dem Stammsitz in Bodelshausen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen.
Bitte senden Sie diese mit der Kennziffer R8071 an:
Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Herr Pfandl gerne zur Verfügung.
D-72411 Bodelshausen

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

luni, 16 noiembrie 2020

Inginer textile, pielarie - Bucuresti

CUI: 6714181
Adresa angajator:
Localitatea: SECTORUL 6, Ghencea 134
Telefon: -
Nr. posturi vacante: 2
Termen limita: 2020-12-12
Experienta: Fara experienta (0-1 an)
Educatie: Superior
Numar luni (pentru contractele partiale): (luni)
Timp de lucru: 8 (ore)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer textile, pielarie - Botosani

Angajator: ROMED SRL
CUI: 14139085
Adresa angajator:
Localitatea: BOTOŞANI, Ion Pillat 27
Telefon: 0784235872 -
Nr. posturi vacante: 1
Termen limita: 2020-12-30
Experienta: Avansat (5-10 ani)
Educatie: Superior
Timp de lucru: 8 (ore)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer tricotaje, confectii - Ploiesti

CUI: 1352412
Adresa angajator:
Telefon: 0244544905 -
Nr. posturi vacante: 1
Termen limita: 2020-11-30
Experienta: Fara experienta (0-1 an)
Educatie: Superior
Timp de lucru: 8 (ore)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer tricotaje, confectii - Focsani

CUI: 40646540
Adresa angajator:
Localitatea: FOCŞANI, Teiului 6
Telefon: 0726451451
Nr. posturi vacante: 1
Termen limita: 2020-11-22
Experienta: Incepator (1-3 ani)
Educatie: Superior
Timp de lucru: 8 (ore)

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Responsabil Pontaje Salarizare - Roman

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County

Candidatul ideal
  • Studii superioare;
  • Cunostinte limba engleza – constituie avantaj;
  • Cunostinte operare PC, Office, Outlook – mediu;
  • Cunostinte legislative privind Codul Muncii si elemente de calcul salarial;
  • Abilitati de comunicare si organizare;
  • Persoana calma, rabdatoare;
  • Integritate.
Descrierea jobului
  • Verifica si prelucreaza pe calculator datele din pontajele de prezenta si din evidenta productiei pentru toti angajatii;
  • Colecteaza si verifica acuratea documentelor specifice pontajului;
  • Introduce in baza de date documentatia pontajului;
  • Mentine legatura cu angajatii pentru colectarea documentatiei in caz de absente;
  • Asigura lunar acuratetea inregistrarilor pentru calculul salarial;
  • Propune masuri pentru imbunatatirea activitatii proprii, descopera noi posibilitati de simplificare a muncii (dar nu in detrimentul calitatii) si evita suprapunerea lucrarilor;
  • La intocmirea lucrarilor trebuie tinut seama de formularistica documentelor, cat si de prezentare (titulatura, aliniate, punerea in pagina, multiplicarea etc);
  • Insusirea in permanenta a noutatilor din cadrul legislativ din domeniu si aplicarea acestora in practica.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?
In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world.

The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its site at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. With a total of 1800 employees, we are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?
Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?
If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”


Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Process Quality Engineer - Roman

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County

Candidatul ideal
  • University technical degree;
  • Minimum 2 years experience in related field represents an advantage;
  • English language fluency - mandatory;
  • MS-Office package;
  • Analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Self-motivated individual with the ability to work independently.
Descrierea jobului
  • Leads, moderates and follows the problem-solving activities in case of customer claims and internal non-conformities;
  • Participates actively in the documentation, maintenance and improvement of the Quality Management System according to the applicable standards in force;
  • Is a lead auditor for process/line readiness assessments;
  • Has the obligation to stop the production process, after consulting with the Quality Manager, in case he identifies risks that may have an impact on the Customer and / or the security requirements when using the products;
  • Contributes to the preparation of action plans for improving in-house quality: product safety, conformity and traceability;
  • Performs statistical evaluations and analyses;
  • Conducts the evaluation of Control Operators on the production line;
  • Analyzes the results of product audit programs and initiates Problem Solving Activities accordingly.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?
In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world.

The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its site at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. With a total of 1800 employees, we are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?
Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?
If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”


Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Logistics Planner - Roman

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County

Candidatul ideal
  • Studii superioare;
  • Minimum 2 ani experienta intr-un domeniu similar;
  • Limba engleza – nivel avansat;
  • MS Office – nivel mediu spre avansat;
  • Cunostinte SAP – constituie un avantaj;
  • Capacitate de analiza si sinteza;
  • Bune abilitati de comunicare si intelegere a proceselor;
Descrierea jobului
  • Verifica sugestiile de comanda din SAP si lanseaza orderele de materiale catre furnizori astfel incat stocul in fabrica sa fie minim, dar suficient pentru realizarea continua a productiei si urmareste respectarea termenelor de livrare;
  • Verifica si analizeaza comenzile trimise furnizorilor (pe termen scurt si lung) in functie de capacitatea comunicata de acestia si alerteaza superiorii in cazul in care capacitatea este diferita sau nu corespunde cerintelor;
  • Identifica cauzele care ar putea conduce la intarzierea livrarilor, gaseste solutii viabile si informeaza clientii;
  • Escaladeaza problemele care pot perturba procesul normal de aprovizionareare in conformitate cu procedura de escaladare;
  • Solutioneaza litigiile cantitative si reclamatiile logistice de la furnizor;
  • Este responsabil pentru overstocuri, obsolet-uri, oprirea productiei sau transporturile speciale, in cazul in care acestea au fost generate de o gestiune necorespunzatoare a comenzilor;
  • Intocmeste rapoartele de logistica specifice departamentului sau cele cerute de supervizor, la datele stabilite;
  • Este responsabil pentru gestiunea si intocmirea previziunilor pentru stoc;
  • Se ocupa de imbunatatirea activitatii, propunand solutii concrete pentru reducerea costurilor.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?
In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world.

The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its site at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. With a total of 1800 employees, we are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?
Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?
If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”


Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Production Supervisor - Roman

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt

Candidatul ideal
  • Minim 2 ani experienta in domeniu;
  • Studii superioare;
  • Cunoasterea aprofundata a proceselor din zona de productie;
  • Experienta sau abilitati de coordonare a unei echipe;
  • Abilitati comunicare scrisa si verbal;
  • Cunostinte operare PC.
Descrierea jobului
  • Coordoneaza intreaga activitate de productie pe BU alocat;
  • Se asigura de instruirea conform standardelor interne a sefilor de formatie si muncitorilor din aria de raspundere;
  • Se asigura de existenta necesarului de resurse pentru buna desfasurare a activitatii de productie (personal, echipamente, materiale indirecte, etc) conform bugetului alocat si escaladeaza neconformitatile;
  • Raspunde de realizarea planului de productie planificat;
  • Raspunde de atingerea obiectivelor de productivitate, calitate si rebut;
  • Colaboreaza si se asigura ca primeste suportul necesar de la celelalte departamente;
  • Conduce procesul de imbunatatire continua al echipei coordonate;
  • Efectueaza auditurile de proces conform planificarii, si se asigura de realizarea auditurilor de proces planificate pentru membri echipei pe care o are in coordonare;
  • Participa la workshopuri si actiuni de reducere si eliminare a problemelor (Problem Solving Team);
  • Monitorizeaza si evalueaza personalul pe care il coordoneaza.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?
In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world. The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its AutoSafety blog at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. We are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?
Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?
If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”


Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

duminică, 15 noiembrie 2020

Manufacturing Engineer - Roman

S.C. TRW Airbag Systems S.R.L

Candidatul ideal
  • Technical university (Machine Engineering or similar);
  • Minimum 1 year experience on a similar job;
  • English language fluency - mandatory;
  • Knowledge of MS Projects, Excel, Work, PowerPoint, CAD;
  • General knowledge about sizing and tolerance (GD&T) an the ability to read execution drawings;
  • Communication and coordination skills;
Descrierea jobului
  • Provides engineering technical support and coordinates the activities needed for the design of the complete sewing procceses; defines equipments specifications according customer requirements; coordinates sewing process equipments preparation and process instalation into an integrated manufacturing system;
  • Interface and work with companies couter parties like : program manager, quality, plant operations and supply management functions in a team-oriented environment to provide technical support for the process definition, product validation and product launch in serial phase;
  • Defines and assists in technical documentation development from the initial phase of product/process development until the sewing process is launched in serial conditions;
  • Assists manufacturing operations, as engineering assistance in order to identify, justify and implement continuous improvements measures in manufacturing processes and procedures to improve product quality, process yields and throughput;
  • Identifies and implements cost reduction opportunities along with process efficiency improvements;
  • Develops equipment/station layouts considering direct labor manning/costs, efficient material flow and handling, product quality and safety.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?


In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world. The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its AutoSafety blog at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. We are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?

Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?

If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

marți, 10 noiembrie 2020

Inginer imbunatatire continua - Cisnadie

SC Somarest SRL

Candidatul ideal
  • Cunostințe de limba engleză, franceză
  • Degree level of education in a relevant technical discipline
  • A high level of PC literacy
  • Engineering experience in a similar process environment
  • Demonstrable experience of project management
  • Excellent IT skills
  • Ability to spot potential areas for improvement irrelevant of current tasks
  • Hands on practical ability
  • Good communication skills with good people skills who can sell an idea
  • Knowledge and experience of utilising and implementing CI tools such as 5S, Kaizen etc
Descrierea jobului
  • Proactive process development and technical support of production processes (process robustness, product cost reduction, cost of quality reduction, process control enhancement, efficiency, improvement and process modelling, waste reduction)
  • The investigation of process problems and root-cause analysis, with the implementation of robust corrective action
  • Continuous improvement activities within the supported areas using fact-based metrics
  • Analysis of process performance data to justify improvement actions
  • Design of assembly processes and product interaction equipment
  • The processing and evaluation of design changes
  • The justification, specification and implementation of new process equipments
  • Regular interaction with the production team and the support services
  • Promoting the highest Health and Safety standards to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Planning and managing improvement projects.
Descrierea companiei

Incepand din anul 2002, compania noastra produce componente pentru marochinarie si incaltaminte. De-a lungul timpului, am imbinat traditia cu inovatia, arta artizanala cu tehnologia, am crescut si ne-am perfectionat in continuu, avand un singur scop: sa oferim clientilor nostri produse care sa ii surprinda si sa ii incante. Experienta acumulata in acesti ani, ne-a ajutat sa devenim in prezent centru de excelenta pentru componentele pe care le producem. Dezvoltam procesele de productie, iar pentru implementarea si asigurarea calitatii acestora, prezenta noastra in celelalte fabrici din lume este indispensabila. Te asteptam in echipa noastra!

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Programatori pentru masinile Stoll - Bulgaria

Candidatul ideal

Grup international din industria textila, cu sediul in Bulgaria, cauta 4 programatori pentru masinile Stoll pentru sistem operativ M1 plus.
Candidatii trebuie sa aiba experienta minima de 4 ani in domeniul textil, dintre care 3 ani sa fie de programator.

Pentru mai multe informatii in limbile Romana si Italiana
Pentru mai multe informatii in limba Engleza .

An international textile group based in Bulgaria is looking to hire 4 knitting programmers for Stoll machines with operation system M1 plus.
Minimum 4 years in the textile area with a minimum of 3 years of experience as a knitting programmer is required.

For additional information in Romanian and Italian
For additional information in English

Gruppo internazionale tessile con sede in Bulgaria cerca 4 programatori di macchina Stoll per sistema operativa M1 plus.
I candidati devono avere esperienza minima di 4 anni nell settore tessile di cui 3 anni di programatore.

Per contatti in rumeno e italiano.
Per contatti in inglese

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Production Pattern Maker - Roman


Candidatul ideal

We are looking for a motivated talent in our own production in Romania as a Production Pattern Maker.

Descrierea jobului

In this interesting role, you are responsible for the overall fit and production patterns of all garments for the factory. Furthermore, you are the key person in leading the fittings for fit solutions and ensure base patterns are up-to-date:
  • Ensure all base patterns & measurement templates are up-to-date in a modern and balanced fit
  • Ensure all style patterns are completed per the designer’s direction of sketches
  • Work well in cross functional teams with Developers, Designers and Category Managers
  • Create MTs (Measurement Tables) and ensure all pertinent POMs are included on graded MT
  • Measure samples to prepare for fittings
  • Create mini-markers and cross check consumptions, making suggestions on how to improve consumptions for the best efficiency
  • Ability to work in 3D for making pattern corrections & adjustments
  • Obtain all deadlines on time
  • Ensure patterns are production ready – adding the appropriate shrinkages and seam allowances
  • Understand and give feedback on how to achieve better efficiencies for consumptions
  • Grade production patterns
The following skill-set is necessary for the role:
  • Production-read pattern making experience is required
  • Production marker making experience is required
  • Bachelor’s or trade degree in pattern making
  • Good IT knowledge (Illustrator, Modaris, Browzwear, 3D, PLM systems)
  • Detail oriented and a quick, but accurate working manner
  • Very good language skills in English
Are you interested to work within a dynamic, fast changing organization in the exciting world of sport with strong ability for advancement? Send us your complete application – we look forward to receiving it.

Descrierea companiei

Societate cu raspundere limitata isi incepe activitatea de productie in martie 2003 ajungand in prezent la o forta de munca de 320 de salariati motivati sa produca confectii textile la standarde ridicate de calitate, functii si proiectare, fiind un brand cu o mostenire puternica, fapt ce a fost confirmat de consumatorii nostri care au un sentiment de atasament emotional pentru marca ODLO.


«Inspirarea consumatorului cu produse deosebite, distribuite prin canalele potrivite, bazate pe viziunea și valorile noastre.»

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Product Developer (100%) - Roman


Candidatul ideal

To strengthen our Product Development Team at our Manufacturing plant in Romania, we are looking for an experienced Product Developer.

Descrierea jobului

In this role, the Product Developer initiates and monitors all aspects of the product development process in close collaboration with the Product Development team in Odlo International. The Product Developer ensures the overall quality of the products and is responsible for the following main tasks:
  • Guide and influence the product development process toward timely commercialization of product;
  • Ensure the style is manufactured efficiently as possible;
  • Ensure that all dates are kept within the development calendar;
  • Ensure that all styles within the category are delivered on time to ODLO quality for the category;
  • Ensure that all development documentation is kept up to date and is correct (BOM, TI SHEET, SAMPLE COMMENTS);
  • Communicate with vendors, product team members and manufacturing team to ensure a smooth product development process;
  • Ensure prototypes accurately reflect construction specifications and the best quality product is achieved with correct workmanship/construction;
  • Understand the construction and workmanship of garments throughout the entire sewing process;
  • Make suggestions of workmanship that is of high quality while still achieving that target margins;
  • Pattern Making or Garment Fitting experience is highly desired.
We are looking for a candidate with the following background:
  • 2-5 years expertise in a similar role, preferably within the sports/textile industry;
  • Bachelor’s or trade degree in product development/pattern/design;
  • Very good IT knowledge in Illustrator, MS Office, PLM tools;
  • Very good language skills in English;
  • Ability to communicate well, to make contact easily and to work in a team;
  • Ability to learn and develop fast and to work well under pressure.
Are you interested to work within a dynamic, fast changing organization in the exciting world of sport with strong ability for advancement? Can you identify with the Odlo brand? Send us your complete application – we look forward to receiving it. Only online applications will be considered.

Descrierea companiei

Societate cu raspundere limitata isi incepe activitatea de productie in martie 2003 ajungand in prezent la o forta de munca de 320 de salariati motivati sa produca confectii textile la standarde ridicate de calitate, functii si proiectare, fiind un brand cu o mostenire puternica, fapt ce a fost confirmat de consumatorii nostri care au un sentiment de atasament emotional pentru marca ODLO.


«Inspirarea consumatorului cu produse deosebite, distribuite prin canalele potrivite, bazate pe viziunea și valorile noastre. »

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti


Candidatul ideal
  • Studii superioare;
  • Limba engleza - nivel avansat
  • Deține bune cunoștințe de lucru in aplicatia Microsoft Dynamics Nav;
  • Deține bune abilități de organizare si rezolvare a problemelor;
  • Deține bune abilități de comunicare;
  • Experienta in industria confectiilor textile si tricotajelor constituie un avantaj
Peste 1 an experiență în Confectii / Design vestimentar, Productie

Descrierea jobului
  • Programarea si monitorizarea întregului proces de producție
  • Consultarea cu managerul de producție in vederea rezolvarii cat mai eficiente a eventualelor probleme aparute pe parcurs.
Ce oferim:
  • Salariu competitiv
  • Tichete de masa
  • Decontare transport
  • Conditii foarte bune de lucru (mediu curat, fara zgomot, temperatura potrivita)
  • Siguranta locului de munca
Descrierea companiei

SC TANEX - Fabrica de confectii si tricotaje, important producator si exportator in industria confectiilor
Sos. Bucuresti-Magurele Nr 47B sector 5, BUCURESTI

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Timisoara

Sp Label SRL angajeaza pentru pozitia Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Timisoara, judetul Timis.

Adresa: Strada Str. Jiul 2, Loc. Timisoara, Jud. Timis

Locuri de munca disponibile: 1

Vechime: Fara Experienta

Studii: Superior


Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Botoşani

Romed Srl angajeaza pentru pozitia Inginer Textile, Pielarie in Botoşani

Adresa jobului este: Str.ion Pillat Nr.27a



Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

Ingineri textilisti - Sigisoara

Ne extindem!

SEFAR & Monosuisse (Sighisoara) – Companie elvetiana - principal producator de monofilament si tesatura de precizie, ofera locuri de munca sigure si posibilitati de dezvoltare atat pentru absolventi, cat si pentru ingineri cu experienta, intr-o companie multinationala.

Oferim pachete salariale si conditii de munca motivante, la standarde elvetiene.

Candidatii interesati pot trimite un CV in atentia Departamentului de Resurse Umane la adresa de e-mail: sau

Mai multe informatii despre compania Sefar S.R.L. si Monosuisse gasiti pe site-urile noastre: si

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti