luni, 16 noiembrie 2020

Responsabil Pontaje Salarizare - Roman

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County

Candidatul ideal
  • Studii superioare;
  • Cunostinte limba engleza – constituie avantaj;
  • Cunostinte operare PC, Office, Outlook – mediu;
  • Cunostinte legislative privind Codul Muncii si elemente de calcul salarial;
  • Abilitati de comunicare si organizare;
  • Persoana calma, rabdatoare;
  • Integritate.
Descrierea jobului
  • Verifica si prelucreaza pe calculator datele din pontajele de prezenta si din evidenta productiei pentru toti angajatii;
  • Colecteaza si verifica acuratea documentelor specifice pontajului;
  • Introduce in baza de date documentatia pontajului;
  • Mentine legatura cu angajatii pentru colectarea documentatiei in caz de absente;
  • Asigura lunar acuratetea inregistrarilor pentru calculul salarial;
  • Propune masuri pentru imbunatatirea activitatii proprii, descopera noi posibilitati de simplificare a muncii (dar nu in detrimentul calitatii) si evita suprapunerea lucrarilor;
  • La intocmirea lucrarilor trebuie tinut seama de formularistica documentelor, cat si de prezentare (titulatura, aliniate, punerea in pagina, multiplicarea etc);
  • Insusirea in permanenta a noutatilor din cadrul legislativ din domeniu si aplicarea acestora in practica.
Descrierea companiei

Who we are?
In 2015, TRW Automotive was acquired by global automobile supplier ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW is now a division of the parent company, with headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.

ZF is a primary developer and producer of active and passive safety systems and serves all major vehicle manufacturers worldwide with an established footprint that includes facilities in more than 20 countries. It maintains 22 technical centers and 13 test tracks in vital markets around the world.

The world of automotive safety is rapidly changing as the convergence of active and passive safety systems become the foundation for automated driving functions. ZF is already providing many driver assist and semi-automated functions today, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, blind spot detection, lane change assist, emergency steering assist, and emergency brake assist and collision mitigating. To follow ZF on its automated driving journey, visit its site at

TRW Airbag Systems Roman, Neamt County is an airbag cushion sewing facility, part of the Active & Passive Safety Technology Division within ZF. With a total of 1800 employees, we are supplying the module assembly plants for customers such as VW, AUDI, GM, PSA, FORD, etc.

What's in it for you?
Excellent perspectives! Our commitment to developing people has made us what we are today. Because people bring value to the business. Join us and you can contribute to the overall success of our company!

What we offer?
If you are looking for a challenging and satisfying career opportunity where your best efforts are rewarded, start your career search here. Opportunity to work for a well respected and growing organization.

Join our team in achieving the Mission we have to “Help Protect People on The Road!”


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