vineri, 5 februarie 2021

Normator industria textila - Buzau

Candidatul ideal

Persoana dornica de munca, dinamica, profesionista si comunicativa; preferabil cu domiciliul in judetul Buzau.
Cunostinte tehnice in domeniul textil.

Descrierea jobului
  • analizeaza operatiile din procesul tehnologic,
  • verifica conditiile tehnico-organizatorice,
  • propune solutii de organizare,
  • stabileste metoda de inregistrare,
  • inregistreaza timpul pe operatie,
  • prelucreaza datele,
  • analizeaza rezultatele,
  • stabileste normele,
  • inregistreaza productia realizata,
  • verifica indeplinirea normelor,
  • analizeaza gradul de indeplinire al normelor de timp,
  • propune solutii de crestere a productivitatii muncii
Descrierea companiei

Confex is a company based in Buzau, a city located in SE of Romania, 100 km from the capital Bucharest. With approximately 300 employees, we are manufacturing women's wear with a production capacity of around 140000 - 160000 pieces per month. Renovated facilities, a new and advanced equipment, highly motivated people, makes our factory a competitive clothes manufacturer. Our traditionally clients are famous, Western European labels. They have been working with us for many years, being a proof our good cooperation.

Confex has been always working with dedication to manufacture high quality garments, while guaranteeing accuracy, punctuality and low costs. This philosophy is still at the heart of Confex industrial production.

Confex Buzau:

Address: Strada Primaverii, Nr 5, Buzau, Judetul Buzau

Phone: +40.740.010.347

E-mail 1:

E-mail 2:

Sursa" EMPLO - Portal cu locuri de munca pentru inginerii textilisti

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